Delivered safely: an audit of emergency obstetric helicopter transfers and outcomes in the lower South Island of New Zealand
In this combined presentation, Dave Anderson (Otago/Southland Helicopter Paramedic) will present an overview of obstetric transfers in the lower South Island of New Zealand including 24 months of Helicopter Emergency Medical Service NZ (HEMSNZ) data on obstetric transfers.
Dr Celia Devenish - Specialist Obstetric Obstetrician and Gynaecologist - Te Whatu Ora - Southern will present outcome data and intervention data on this cohort of transferred cases.
Dave Anderson is a Flight Paramedic with the Otago Southland Rescue Helicopter Service. Prior to this Dave was a paramedic for Hato Hone St John in Central Otago and a Registered Nurse on the emergency response (Code) team at Auckland City and Starship Hospital.
Celia has been heavily involved in RANZCOG governance and education for many years. She is currently the Deputy Chair of the NZ Training Accreditation Committee and the Specialist IMG Assessment Committee, Southern ITP Training Coordinator, and sits on many other College committees.
Celia is also a Clinical Senior Lecturer in the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health at the University of Otago.
Te waka wahine hauora - the woman's health bus
Helen Paterson and Alice Van Zijl set up "betty" the bus in 2019 as a response to the difficulties with people accessing care due to the large distances to secondary care in the Southern region
Acting Head, Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women's Health Oranga Wāhine
Dunedin School of Medicine
Helen is a mountain biker and a skier and in her spare time she runs the Woman's Health Bus and is Acting Head for the Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women's Health Oranga Wāhine in the Dunedin School of Medicine. She is also a later surgical abortion provider.
Free communications: speaker TBC
TBC - once our abstract submission process closes.