Day 2 | Session 4| Plenary | Getting a foot in the door - access for all

Beyond law reform: what does abortion access really mean in 2025?

The abortion law reform of 2020 was overshadowed by covid lockdowns, and while abortion should now be accessible for all, there are still many common misconceptions and barriers leading to limited abortion access.

This talk will use recent examples of barriers to care to highlight the access issues that still exist in 2025.

Dr Rachel Rapkin
Clinical Lead, Te Mahoe Unit

Rachel Rapkin is the clinical lead of Te Mahoe Unit and provides medical and procedural abortions to 20 weeks and beyond in Wellington Regional Hospital. In her role as clinical lead, she coordinates later abortions for patients throughout the region, including for those residing in Capital and Coast, Hutt Valley, Wairarapa and beyond, including Whanganui, Mid Central, Hawkes Bay, and Tairawhiti. She has also co-coordinated a feticide program in the hospital. 

Rachel completed her Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Complex Family Planning sub-specialty training, including surgical abortion provision to 24 weeks gestational age, in the US in 2011 and 2013, respectively.  

Opening the door to prevention - Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer

Overview of Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer - assessment, pathways and preventive options in New Zealand.

Dr Simone Petrich
Consultant - Te Whatu Ora Southern

Simone graduated from Heidelberg University in 1997 and received her Medical Doctorate the same year. She trained as an obstetrician and gynaecologist in Germany, which includes breast diseases. She provides care in O&G as well as a breast surgeon at Dunedin Hospital.

Her professional interests are reflected in her commitment as a senior clinical lecturer for the University of Otago in Surgery as well as O&G, involvement in a number of research projects and the founding of the New Zealand Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer Trust and Group.

Free communications speaker

TBC - we'll update our free communications speaker once the abstract submission process has closed