Day 2 | Session 5| Concurrent | Access to fertility care

Navigating the road to fertility care in Aotearoa

Natalie will talk about the different barriers that people in Aotearoa face when trying to access fertility support.  We will then discuss some different strategies to make the pathway smoother.

Dr Natalie Burger
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Specialist
Fertility Associates

Natalie completed an undergraduate degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); medical school at the Medical College of Georgia; and residency in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and a fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the University of Vermont. Natalie then practiced at the Texas Fertility Center in Austin, Texas for 14 years. 

In addition to treating infertility patients with a variety of medical and surgical options, she was involved in the training of O&G registrars, community outreach, and research. 

Following a personal sabbatical in Berlin, Germany, Natalie has been excited to return to providing fertility care and helping families grow.

Beyond the birthing parent: including non-birthing parents in fertility treatment and beyond

This presentation draws on existing research, contemporary literature, and the professional insights of an experienced fertility counsellor to explore themes related to the involvement of non-birthing parents in fertility treatments and beyond. It covers important topics such as the inclusion of intending parents in surrogacy arrangements and issues relevant to the rainbow community.

Caren August
Fertility Counsellor
Fertility Associates, Hamilton - Tauranga

Caren is an experienced fertility counsellor registered with the Australian and New Zealand Infertility Counsellors Association (ANZICA), where she currently serves on the executive board. She has been a registered Psychologist since 2017, with over 15 years of experience in mental health and disability. 

Research on BMI and fertility in Māori and Pacific communities (title TBC)

More information to come...