To v or not to vNotes, that is the question
Natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery, or NOTES, is a form of scarless surgery performed through an incision into the posterior cul de sac to access the abdominopelvic cavities. These internal incisions are typically much less painful than traditional abdominal incisions through skin and muscle. Patients benefit from reduced post-operative pain, faster recovery time, and little or no abdominal scarring.
The gynaecologist is uniquely enabled and equipped to access the vagina, and arguably should be leading the way in adopting endoscopic techniques through the vagina, to perform more and more gynaecological interventions in the pelvis. There is growing experience and expertise in the USA and Europe in NOTES via the vagina (vNOTES) for hysterectomy and adnexal surgery, with a growing body of audit data and evidence-based outcomes.
But - I hear you ask - why vNotes assisted? Vaginal surgery is a gynaecologists bread and butter - what can it offer over and above vaginal hysterectomy? Is this just an expensive and complicated way to perform vaginal hysterectomy. Can the technique really offer more than finally honed laparoscopic technique? If vNOTES is the new hysterectomy, then what are its limits?
In this session, Mr Elliot McKenzie, a Dunedin based Gynaecologist who has expansive experience in vNOTES for hysterectomy and other gynaecological surgeries, will share his experience of the vNOTES Hysterectomy; help us understand its strength for surgeons and patients; and facilitate a discussion with a group of surgeons - exploring its potential for benefit over and above the current armoury of surgical practices that enhance and improve the lives of women in New Zealand.
Elliot Mackenzie (FRANZCOG), has particular expertise in the use of advanced minimal access surgery and vaginal surgery.
Elliot is a gynaecological surgeon, based at Dunedin Hospital, whose areas of expertise include pelvic floor reconstruction for uterus, vaginal and bladder prolapse, surgery for urinary incontinence and use of Botox for incontinence and bladder pain. He is also proficient in open abdominal surgery for all gynaecological benign conditions and consults on a wide range of women’s health issues.
His research interests are new surgical techniques and medical devices. With an interest in global health, Elliot has travelled internationally to teach and work.
Outside of surgery, Elliot is a farmer, currently training to be a horse whisperer and a passionate golfer. He lives on the land in Dunedin with his family.