Understanding misogyny in obstetrics and gynaecology in Aotearoa New Zealand
This qualitative medical anthropological study will provide a deeper understanding of how misogyny affects training, collegial and patient interactions in our field.
Research into recruitment and retention of Māori obstetricians and gynaecologists
RANZCOG commissioned Allen & Clarke to undertake research to understand how Māori experience recruitment and training for the FRANZCOG programme. The first phase of this research aimed to understand Māori doctors’ experiences of applying for the FRANZCOG training, and the strengths and weaknesses of the training programme from the perspective of Māori trainees.
The second phase of this research aimed to increase the understanding of what influences Māori doctors when deciding on a medical specialty. It aims to explore what factors act as an influence or deterrent when considering a medical specialisation, including factors that may influence them to consider obstetrics and gynaecology. The research identifies points in the education pathway at which RANZCOG can undertake activities to encourage more Māori medical students to consider obstetrics and gynaecology.
This presentation, which will be presented by members of He Hono Wāhine, will share the findings and recommendations of this research, and the actions of RANZCOG Te Rautaki Māori me te Ara Whakamua from these recommendations.
What happens when a doctor discloses and how to decide when to disclose
The session will aim to provide practical tips and guidance in managing acute and chronic health conditions so that patients’ safety is not compromised but also involves compassionate, wholistic care towards doctors to promote recovery to the workforce.
Dr Wayne de Beer is a Medical Adviser working at the Medical Council of New Zealand. He is a psychiatrist who has worked for many years at the Waikato Hospital and currently works in the Pain Clinic. He has been actively involved in medical education both prevocational and vocational education. Wayne has also been actively involved in the College of Psychiatrists, mostly in the field of education.
Over the years, he has been a 'doctor to the doctors', especially those doctors with mental health concerns and disabilities.
Free communications: TBC
An oral presentation from one of our abstract submissions - TBC