Smear Your Mea – a kaupapa Māori approach to working with whānau to promote cervical screening
Smear Your Mea is a targeted campaign initiated by the late Talei Morrison. It is founded on Tikanga Māori and Kaupapa Māori placing whakapapa and whānau as central with all its inherent responsibilities to protect the whare tangata. We share what we consider have been the underpinning successful factors of the campaign and our efforts to prevent wāhine Māori dying from cervical cancer.
He has been involved in education for most of his career, moving into leadership positions in the Secondary and Tertiary Sector. His political career spanned twelve years under the Māori Party as MP for Waiariki. He held the position of Minister for Māori Development, Whānau Ora and Associate Minister for Economic Development.
He is married to Erana and they have five children and five mokopuna.
Te Ururoa has been closely involved in the Smear Your Mea / Ride4Talei campaign directed at the promotion of Cervical Cancer screening and Prostate Cancer checks amongst Māori communities in particular the Kapa Haka cohort. Both campaigns have received major national awards for the positive outcomes achieved.
Development and impact of our pregnancy information sessions for Indian women in the Counties Manukau District of Te Whatu Ora
Te Rito Ora is a breastfeeding, infant and adult nutrition health promotion project. Indian service users were asking our Kai Tipou Ora (breastfeeding advocates) lots of general pregnancy and health questions and Indian women were calling the project phone lines with queries at a higher rate than other service users. In response we set up in-person then online sessions to address their information needs. They are specifically for Indian women and their families and include a midwife and our Te Rito Ora team and are very well evaluated by those attending.
Shivani Shaw, Kaitipu Ora Worker. Graduated with Bachelor's of Health Promotion and Postgraduate in Public Health. Has worked in health related community settings / organisations in South Auckland for many years. Has been with Te Rito Ora for 3 years and runs the Janm aur Parvarish zoom sessions.
Isabella Smart, Midwife Manager for Community Midwifery and Te Rito Ora project. Started her working career in community development work in the UK and became a midwife 22 years ago. Migrated to Aotearoa in 2008 to live and work in South Auckland. Committed to innovation and responsiveness in providing the health related services which are relevant and culturally meaningful.
Jenny Lester is an RGON (Registered General & Obstetric Nurse) for the last 40 years, working in adult cardiac intensive care, neonatal care and primary maternity. IBCLC (International Board-Certified lactation consultant) for 14 years with 10+ years of in hospital lactation support and 4 years of community lactation support, working as part of the Te Rito Ora Team as the Team Lead/Lactation Consultant.
Towards trans and non-binary inclusive perinatal care in Aotearoa: key insights from the Trans Pregnancy Care Project
In this presentation George will report on the key findings of two phases of the 18 month HRC funded Trans Pregnancy Care Project and highlight the specific insights and implications for the Obstetric and Gynaecology workforce in Aotearoa. Guidance for inclusive perinatal practice will be presented using Te Whare Takatāpui (Kerekere, 2023) - a Te Ao Māori framework for inclusive practice with Takatāpui /LGBTIQ+ whānau and communities.
Dr George Parker (they/them) is a lecturer in health service delivery in the School of Health at Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington and lead investigator on the HRC funded Trans Pregnancy Care Project. George is a Pākehā queer and non-binary trans person and parent of two young children. George has a clinical background in midwifery and is passionate about supporting inclusive and equitable perinatal care for rainbow and other minority communities.
Pokapū o te Taiwhenua Network (supporting digital health equity and digital inclusion)
The Pokapū o te Taiwhenua Network is an exciting collaboration of health and wellbeing community providers, primary care and specialist care in the Lakes district, supporting digital health equity and digital inclusion, and is an example of how new models of care closer to home can actually be achieved with a number of key partners in the community. The Pokapū o te Taiwhenua Network model of care begins with the clinician offering a video appointment or consultation to their clients. If the client consents, but indicates they require support – for example, they don’t have a digital device or they need support to include overseas whānau – they are referred to the network coordinator. The network is able to offer non-clinical video appointment facilitation or digital health coaching. We also piloted clinician video appointment facilitation as well.
Here's a link to Pokapū o te Taiwhenua Network's landing page so you can read more.
He uri ahau nō Ngāti Tahu Ngāti Whaoa (iwi-tribe).
Ko Sue Westbrook tōku ingoa.
Sue grew up in a rural Māori community in Reporoa. A mother of 3, grandmother of 12 and great grandmother of 1 – alongside her husband, they care for 2 of the grandchildren and 1 great grandchild.
Her professional and personal experiences have given Sue a wide understanding of the hauora (health) and mātauranga (education) sectors that she has worked in for the past 25+ years.
Her knowledge on these topics have developed by working in Māori hauora (health) services in the hospital, in the community, and as a board member, iwi representation in hospital advisory groups; marae trustee responsibilities; advocating for the best healthcare and supports and education opportunities for her grandchild with cerebral palsy; led a postvention response team for 2 years in our rural community after two rangatahi suicides; participated in designing a co-commissioning model for iwi to access funding to improve learning achievements for tamariki (children) in their iwi rohe (boundaries);
With a ‘down to earth’ approach, and a willingness to find solutions to improve challenging situations, her motto is ‘working together to make things better’.
Sue is the Pokapu o te Taiwhenua Network Coordinator- supporting digital health access for communities in the Lakes district of the central North Island of New Zealand Aotearoa.
Critical reflections from five years as a RANZCOG Community Representative
Including lay voices in medical colleges sounds like a great idea. But how does it work in practice? This presentation reflects on what’s special about O&Gs from a community perspective, and how we form “critical yeast” for baking in pae ora.
Karen has been fascinated by the rich learning potential in everyday settings ever since she could first hold a crayon and interview random strangers. She is a Director of Hummingbird Effect, where she is a mediator and consultant in education strategy and design. A former Chief Researcher at the New Zealand Council for Educational Research, Karen’s work was influential in high-profile initiatives for on-job learning, women in trades and the future of work. She is a RANZCOG Community Representative and led its summit, Flourish 2022. Karen holds a PhD in Education from the University of Auckland.