The 2023 ASM tohu (design) is an ornately carved Wakahuia (treasure trove) cradled in caring hands.
Wakahuia are designed to hold taonga (things of great importance) and is an appropriate receptacle for the key themes of the ASM focusing on ‘What Matters in Health, Reshaping, Reforming and Pae Ora (Healthy Futures)’.
The wakahuia is also a storage place for all the taonga kōrero (verbal contributions) given throughout the course of the Annual Scientific Meeting.
The design also recognises welcoming whakatauāki (axiom) from the united tribal confederation of Te Arawa Iwi (peoples). ‘Tukua mai ki a Piri, tukua mai ki a tata - Converge to the bosom of my people!’ The bottom half of the wakahuia is in the form of a waka representing the participants and groups who will paddle their various waka to RANZCOG Aotearoa ASM 2023.
The Poutama (staircase design) on the cover of the wakahuia urges all to constantly strive to uplift those aspects of health which focus on obstetrics and gynaecology.
There are two kaitiaki (guardians) handles on either side of the wakahuia lid representing those charged with advancing the themes of the ASM and reshaping and reforming women health.
The heart shaped design at the centre of the wakahuia base represents Aotearoa and is taken from the deconstructed tohu for ‘Te Kāhui Ōranga ō Nuku’. The flowing kowhaiwhai (yellow swirls) represent the flowing waters and lakes of the surrounding Rotorua region.
And finally, the caring hands holding the wakahuia denote the duality of both Australia and New Zealand but also the united and uplifting environment created by RANZCOG and Te Arawa Iwi.