Awards and Elevation Ceremony

Sir Howard Morrison Centre

Our Awards and Elevation Ceremony for 2023 will take place on Friday 23rd June (5.30 - 8.00pm) at the recently refurbished Sir Howard Morrison Centre. Situated in the heart of Rotorua, the Sir Howard Morrison Centre (SHMC) is a short walk from the Novotel Rotorua Lakeside.

The SHMC represents a cultural partnership between mana whenua, the Morrison whānau and Te Arawa. It has a grand and welcoming atmosphere offering a great space to celebrate our new Fellows and Awardees. We'll hold the ceremony itself in Te Haumako (the black box theatre) and our post-ceremony drinks and nibbles in Te Haumihi (the foyer).

ASM participants can purchase a ticket for the event as part of your normal ASM registration process. If you are a New Fellow or Awardee then you will have received a registration link specific to you (if you have not received that or if you are a New Fellow / Awardee and would like to apply to be included please contact

Sir Howard Morrison Centre


Inside Te Haumihi

Sir Howard Morrison Centre

1170 Fenton Street
Rotorua 3010