Day 2 | Session 2: Let's talk about sex

Free communications: A study of contributory factors to adverse events in the Auckland Gynaecology Department between January 2019 and December 2021

1)      To describe the process for adverse event review in the gynaecology service at Auckland City Hospital and Greenlane Clinical Centre.
2)      To report on adverse events and describe contributory factors and potential avoidability

Dr Ahalya Sathiyaselvan
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Registrar, Te Toka Tumai

Dr Ahalya Sathiyaselvan is an Obstetrics and Gynaecology Registrar and a 5th year RANZCOG Trainee based at Te Toka Tumai.

Every breath you take: the wide-ranging impacts of sexual trauma and violence

Sexual trauma is known to have long-lasting consequences on mental health but  long-term physical health impacts have been less well-studied until recently. This Otago university study, led by respiratory specialist Professor Bob Hancox and sexual health specialist Dr Jane Morgan, found a history of rape is associated with dysfunctional breathing in both women and men, and with a diagnosis of late-onset asthma in women. These findings highlight the importance of recognising the potential impacts of prior traumatic experiences on future health.

Dr Jane Morgan
Sexual health physician, Hamilton

Dr Jane Morgan grew up in Northern Ireland and trained as a physician in HIV & genitourinary medicine in England before moving to Hamilton in 1997 where she has worked as a sexual health physician ever since. She has a particular interest in conditions that cause painful sex such as vulvodynia and vaginismus and in the role of compassionate care to nurture well-being.

A pelvic health physiotherapist’s perspective of helping women with sexual dysfunctions

Sexual dysfunction can be associated with menopause, maternal birth injuries, and persistent pelvic pain conditions including Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder. Different treatment approaches for common sexual dysfunctions will be presented from a pelvic health physiotherapy perspective.

Dr Melissa Davidson
Specialist Physiotherapist in Pelvic Health

Dr Melissa Davidson is the only registered Specialist Physiotherapist in Pelvic Health with the Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand and is the current President of the International Organisation of Physiotherapists in Pelvic and Women’s Health. She is also on the Expert Advisory Group for Maternal Birth Injuries working with ACC. Over the last 32 years, Melissa has combined post graduate studies (PhD, MPhil, Post Graduate Certificates in Pelvic Health, Manipulation, and Acupuncture) with a clinical caseload and has advanced patient care by providing governance and training courses to health professionals nationally and internationally. 

Libido in Post-Menopause

Libido problems are a common symptom in both perimenopause and post-menopause. Many women will seek help and support for these issues from their healthcare providers. This talk will discuss how to assess libido problems and the different management options that can be offered.

Dr Linda Dear
GP, Menopause Practitioner, 'Menodoctor',Tauranga

Dr Linda Dear is a fellow of the Royal NZ College of General Practitioners and is a certified Menopause Practitioner with the North American Menopause Society. She also holds a post-graduate diploma in Women's health from the UK Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She has a degree in Psychology and previously worked as a Research Psychologist at Kings College London. She now runs a private menopause clinic here in New Zealand called Menodoctor (